Multichannel Product Descriptions
Generate 100+ engaging product descriptions for Shopify, Etsy, Amazon, and more using just the product title. Simplify your e-commerce business with consistent, efficient content creation.
Key Features:
・Multichannel compatibility
・Efficient automation
・Consistency and quality
・Time-saving solution
Multilingual Subdomain Solution
Unlock the potential of global markets its also designed for different countries like the USA, Germany, and Franch. Expand your online presence and connect with customers worldwide by providing localized experiences through dedicated subdomains.
Key Features:
・Country and language diversity
・Subdomain optimization
・Localization made easy
・Streamlined international expansion
・Scalable and flexible architecture for future growth
Sorry, the Google App Script feature is still in progress and not yet publicly available as a Google Add-on.​​​​​​​
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